Barbara Burke
I had a great time watching the 2024 Olympics! I’m trying to decide which of the less common events I enjoyed the most. What is YOUR favorite?? Wall climbing! Apparently, it is called Sport Climbing, but whatever it is called is amazing. I missed the Speed climbing version, only being able to watch the regular…
Read MoreWhile watching the Tour de France this year, I realized that the announcers use a few words that I only hear this time of year. I thought that you might like to see them. “Chicane” – The general definition is “deception” or “trickery.” That’s the definition I remember, especially with the word, chicanery. “Peloton” –…
Read MoreDid you ever wonder why flea markets use the word “flea”? Do I want to buy something that is filled with fleas? Apparently, the answer is . . . YES! According to, the most common belief about the origin of the phrase does, indeed, come from those annoying pests. So, the next time you…
Read MoreIn the past few months, as I walked around the neighborhoods near mine, I have seen some amazingly clever “gadgets.” Before I describe those inventions, I decided to research the word, “gadget.” I thought it was just a word for things that are hard to describe. But there’s more to this word. says a…
Read MoreVery interesting! Considering how careless I have been using the latest technology, as I described in my last post about accessing QR codes, I was hesitant to try an AI program. But recently, my new lawn service company sent me an invoice using a .pdf format. When I opened it, I noticed that my updated…
Read MoreI worked for over 30 years in the title insurance industry, working with real estate closings and insuring those closings. Our industry has always been aware of in-person fraud (read “Who Are You?” and “When Did I Sell My House” – the 2nd and 3rd “Title World Tales” stories – available now on Amazon at…
Read MoreIn honor of March being National Literacy Month, I decided to talk about how to spell sounds that are not really words. I learned how to spell sounds from reading comic strips. Crossword puzzles use these sound-spellings, too, so I started a collection. I am not sure about a lot of these spellings – what…
Read MoreFebruary is a month many people associate with love and passion, so I decided to talk about how we show love to others – with words and actions. A few weeks ago, I was honored to be selected as a local TV station’s “everyday hero” on behalf of the Adult Literacy League (see the 1-minute…
Read MoreNo, this isn’t a discussion of how old we are, although a new year might prompt that feeling. Instead, it’s a discussion of “age” as a suffix. Here is how I started thinking about these letters. While walking through several neighborhoods from October through December, it occurred to me that people sure do have a…
Read More‘Tis the season for greetings. A very happy holiday season to all of you! But . . . talk to me about this greeting that has me VERY confused 🤔. When I am on my morning walk, a person who is passing me, usually coming towards me, might, in order of energy: (1) nod, (2)…
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