Upper Case and Lower Case – the Roman Version

Last week, I talked about upper and lower case letters. This week, let’s consider an outline. We use upper case letters in an outline [A, B, C, etc.]. These letters are then generally followed by a period. For more detailed outlines, we add lower case letters [a, b, c, etc.]. I’ve seen these smaller letters followed by a period or enclosed in parentheses [(a), (b), (c), etc.]. But we create outlines using letters and numerals. Are those numerals called upper and lower case, too?

The most common numerals I have seen used in outlines are Roman numerals. The capital versions [I, II, III, etc.] could be referred to as upper case, just like our letters. What about those smaller Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.)? Do we call them “lower” case numerals?

You could. You could also call them . . . “Romanettes”! The first time I heard this word, I was listening to a seminar when the speaker directed the audience to read “Romanette Number 2” from his outline. I finally figured out he meant (ii).

Isn’t that the cutest word? I think it’s a perfect description. And I’ve never forgotten it.

8 thoughts on “Upper Case and Lower Case – the Roman Version”

  1. I want to know when/how the word “like” got injected into our vocabulary as like an unnecessary word in every sentence; and even worse is “like literally” because I like literally want to lose my mind when I hear people speak.

  2. I have a section in my communication training about filler-words. “Like” is in there, but I had not thought of “like literally”! That’s extra awful!!
    I also shake my head when I hear people insist that they are now speaking “in all honesty,” or (my favorite) when they say “to be honest with you,” as if they had been lying to me before. . .

  3. Those filler words are another pet, Peeve. I’m guilty of using some of those too and rub Peeve’s nose in it when they pop out of my mouth.

    Fillers come out when I’m talking faster than I’m thinking. Slowing my speech down or pausing for a moment of silence helps, “you know,”

    • Haha! I “actually” laughed out loud at your using “you know,” John. Which prompted me to use another filler – actually. I use that word much more than I should. Perhaps you could send your pet, Peeve, to my house to help me stop :).

  4. I rescued a 3 year old 30 lb terrier, Mad Mike, on Wedneday. That’s truth in advertising. He can be really sweet, then turn on a dime for some imagined mistreatment. As I eventually gain his trust and convince him there are boundaries I may rename him Peeve. Mad Mike has such a horrible connotation and my wife doesn’t like it when I call her Peeve.


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