Did you know that 2023 is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit? If you were born in 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011, you were born during the Year of the Rabbit.
If you want to know more about your “rabbit” personality, one website describes a legend when the Jade Emperor challenged all of the animals in the Kingdom to a Great Race.
“The animal that arrived at his Palace first would win his favor. Known for his speed, the Rabbit was sure that he would win the race and was particularly positive that he would beat the Ox, his slowpoke neighbor. On the day of the race, the Rabbit got a head start at dawn. He was in the lead but exhausted, so, thinking that he had the race in the bag, he decided to take a nap. When he woke up, three other animals had already crossed the finish line, including the Ox.
Because of that nap, Rabbits are known for being quiet, dreamy and imaginative. But don’t underestimate them because though they seem timid, they’re actually quick-witted, strategic and ambitious.”
Does that legend sound like other stories you have heard? The “Tortoise and the Hare” or the “Hare and the Tortoise” (Aesop); the “Hare and the Hedgehog” (Brothers Grimm)? Interesting, isn’t it that many (all?) cultures try to teach lessons using stories about animals. [More about animals in later posts]
So, why the “bunny” for Easter? Rabbits are darn cute (except when they are eating the plants in your garden 😏). Is that why? After all, don’t they bring chocolates and other goodies to children (and adults 😉)? What could be cuter?
Well, it has to do with the season. Spring is a time of new life, yes? The resurrection of Jesus for some religions, and various symbols of fertility, like eggs and flowers, and, yes, our rabbit, “with its amazing reproductive potential” (per www.Smithsonianmag.com) all fit into the same theme.
Wherever you are, I hope your spring includes a great beginning!
Interesting that the Chinese story of the rabbit still paints it in a nice light, rather than how the western/English story about the tortoise and the hair paints the rabbit in a bit less nice light. Maybe the Chinese one isn’t so much a parable, rather than a story about their natural inclinations. Hmmmm
Hi, Eric
I agree! I thought that the “spin” about the dreamy versus quick-witted characteristics were … puzzling? As opposed to the “lazy” version we learned?
For some reason, I never absorbed these animal-based lessons to mean anything about the animals, themselves, but only as lessons for humans – the purpose of the parables, stories, fables, whatever the name.
Even the story about the scorpion hitching a ride on the frog to cross the river.
More hmmm…..
I was born in ’75 and as I was reading this, felt a kinship to the story. In the beginning, I am often enthusiastic, excitable, highly energized, and gung ho, but will often get discouraged, disheartened, distracted, or bored and thus end up losing focus, momentum, and excitement. I will distract myself with things that I can escape to until the last moment. I’ve waited so long that I must once again run/race to the end to cross the line. In fact, I very often find myself repeating over and over “slow and steady wins the race” as a way of reminding myself to conserve my energy, keep my eyes on the goal, and imagine the end (and hopefully desirable) result.
Thank you, Camala, for that incredibly insightful and perceptive comment! Slow and steady wins the race works IF we have the personality to follow that mantra, eh?
I have learned that it’s more than just the year in which we are born; it’s also the month (and the day and the time, etc). AND don’t forget environmental influence, please.
For those of you who know me, I don’t think you’ll be surprised that I was born in the year of the Monkey! I will leave your “oh, now I see” comments to you 🤔😏😁
Happy Spring!
Interesting! The insight into eggs, new life and life lessons all intertwine nicely in the post and replies here. So many cultures and time periods, such similar encouraging, at times cautious messaging.
PS I was born in the Year of the Monkey too. Explains some things : )
HAHA that you were also born in the Year of the Monkey, Cindi! Watch out, world, if you and I ever work together on a project! 😟😄
😃 That’s right! Waiting for the right one. We’ll make it happen! No more monkeying around…