January is the month for looking forward, but also looking back (from the Roman god, Janus, who has two faces), so I thought that I would take this opportunity to update previous posts.
More Animal Expressions! (Animal Expressions – BB’s Words and Animal Expressions – Part II – Opening a Can of Worms! – BB’s Words)
- “Pulling the wool over someone’s eyes”
- “Chickened” out
- “Wolfed” down a sandwich
- Mousy = not assertive, timid
- Duck-footed / Pigeon-toed
- “Nit-pick” (avert your eyes for the basis for this expression if you do not like to read about bugs . . .”)
- A “nit” can refer to the very small egg of a louse (singular for “lice”), often stuck to hair, so in this aspect, to “nit-pick” is to be picky about something small, like a minor criticism
More Food Expressions! (Cliche Corner – Food – BB’s Words)
- A good egg
- A bad apple
- Easy as pie
- A piece of cake
More Spelling Sounds! (Spelling Sounds – BB’s Words)
- “Ahem” – the sound of a person clearing his/her throat, usually to get someone’s attention
Happy 2025!!